Why Choose Us

We are the one who provides leading GPS tracing solutions in India. The smallest differnce can change your life, we promise to ensure better solution then other.

Dedicated Towards Customers

Our ultimate aim is to make our customer's to be happy by our services.

Friendly Support

We always ready to help our customers at any point at any time.

Quality Services

We specialise in installations of GPS,CCTV, Attendance and RFID devices.

Making Our Customer's To Be Satisfied Is Our Primary Goal

Why RKMS Tracing System

We make you satisfied in differnt ways by our GPS tracking devices and software's. Its 100% worthable for your money and helps to make you feel freely without caring of your vehicles.

Safety of your loved ones

Knowing the location of your vehicle is the first step towards safety. Begin now!

Quickest Path to Destination

When your driver takes the most efficient route possible, you save a lot of money on fuel.

Reduce labour Cost

Our real time information allows you to effectively manage your fleet to reduce labor costs

Calculate Exact Time

GPS tracking software gives you the ability to calculate the time it takes your workforce to deliver